EFUS 750 Eurochron Eurochron Eurochron N/A

Part Nnumber
EFUS 750
Eurochron Eurochron N/A
Basic price
119,09 EUR

The product with part number EFUS 750 (Eurochron Eurochron N/A) is from company Eurochron and distributed with basic unit price 119,09 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Eurochron N/A Technical data Max. number of sensors 8 Functions Anemometer, Rain gauge, Lunar phase, Max/min readings, Air pressure, Inside temperature, Inside RH, Apparent temperature (wind chill), Radio clock (DCF77 ), Colour display, Date, Outside temperature, Outside RH Weight (rain gauge) 480 g Weight (station) 377 g Weight (thermo/hygro sensor) 51 g Weight (wind gauge) 228 g Sensor power supply AA battery (10x), please order separately Station power supply AA battery (4x), please order separately, Optional, PSU, included Signal type 433 MHz wireless Forecasts for 12 to 24 hours Category Wireless digital weather station Display digital Clock face colour Green-grey

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